Don’t Judge

“What’s good for the goose is not always good for the gander.”

I don’t know where the goose saying came from but it is applicable to so many different situations. My thought when I began writing this was that everyone works through their feelings in their own ways. What works or helps on one day may not help a different day, and what works in one situation may not work in a different one. What’s important though is that your doing what’s best for YOU, regardless of what someone else might think.

We all pass judgement from time to time whether we mean to or not, so maybe I shouldn’t say “Don’t judge”, but rather be *mindful of the fact that you don’t know what someone else is feeling or thinking.

*Side note: I didn’t learn the term “mindful” until I was 34 years old and it’s not always an easy task.

I need coping strategies for little kids with anxiety please!

I work with pre-k / K age children who have been diagnosed with autism, many of which have high anxiety at times. I’m looking to expand my list of coping strategies for these children as wide as possible. I’m asking you to please comment with any and all coping strategies you’ve used or known to have been used with young children, and also please share this post so I can collect as many ideas as possible. I very much appreciate you taking your time to help me help these amazing children!

Why do I feel this way?

It’s not been long, maybe a couple days, but I’m feeling blue. Low energy, wanting to cry, higher anxiety than normal, just not good. I hate feeling this way because it frustrates me. I have things I’ve been wanting to get done and although I keep thinking about them, I also keep putting them off. It’s pretty simple stuff I’d say, going through a few bins of toys and dropping off things at Goodwill, stuff like that. I wear my emotions on my sleeve most of the time because I’m horrible at faking it, but because I know this I’ve been worrying if co-workers and families I work with are noticing that maybe I’m quieter or less energetic. Then I worry that they might think I’m going to do a bad job with their child. I have a pretty great reputation for how well I work with my clients and their families because I do love what I do, but then I start to worry that that will get ruined.

It’s also frustrating to me because I’m constantly trying to analyze what’s going on, why I’m feeling this way, and what am I lacking or have I been slacking on. I’m lucky enough to have been given this personal education about mental health/illness, but sometimes it’s even more frustrating because all of this knowledge is stirring around in my head.

I’m curious to know if any of you have for yourself one sure fire way, that always (or mostly always) works when you need to be pulled out of a slump. Unless it’s hugely obvious like I haven’t been exercising at all, or I need one or more of my meds refilled so I haven’t been taken them, (which I do not let that happen w my meds), or there’s been a significant life event, there is not one specific thing that works for me. Sometimes I know exactly what I need right away, sometimes it dawns on me like a lightbulb has been switched on, sometimes it’s a lot of trial and error, sometimes I see my Therapist to help me figure it out, and sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised that I just start to feel better.

As I sit here writing, I’m noticing that I’m not feeling as blue as earlier. Getting it all out of my head and in to writing must be the thing I needed today. It was a sneak attack!

A tool I’ve found helpful for myself is to have a list written down of all the things that work for me. This way, when I’m feeling low and it’s harder to think straight, or even at all, I can check it. Having it written down is key because it’s pretty likely that when you’re feeling low, it’ll be harder to recall that list. I also have a checklist of all the pieces of my own personal puzzle, as I like to call it, that I know I need regularly to stay healthy.

I love when people post things from their own personal list of coping mechanisms and self-care ideas. I think it’s so important to share with each other because you never know who may need and decide to try something new today. Something that you do all the time, that maybe doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal, could actually be life saving to someone else. That being said, I’d like to share with you my 2 favorite YouTube channels for yoga!


The first one I’d like to recommend is Yoga with Adriene. Adriene is an excellent instructor for everyone at every level. She has a different video for pretty much any mood you’re in, for strength, for weight loss, for PMS, for headaches, for just about everything. They go anywhere from 15 min to an hour so you can pick what fits your schedule too!

Sadie Nardini

Secondly, I love Sadie Nardini’s yoga videos just as much! Her videos are a little more intense and fast paced but she also has a wide variety of practices.

I don’t know about you, but I get bored easy with my workouts so I often mix them up. If you’re interested in trying something new, check these ladies out!

Reflecting Back, Acceptance

I used to hate that quote with the passion! “It is what it is” people would say, and I would be so irritated, not to say that sometimes it still doesn’t bug the hell out of me, but having an understanding of what it really means now gives me a different perspective.

Reflecting Back, Never Give Up

April must have been the month I was most inspired. Some of these posts I believe as I look back, were just as much for my own good as I intended them to be for others.

Reflecting Back, Love

Another April 2016 post, this time about love, significant others, and mood swings. I cannot even put in to words how grateful I am that I was given the opportunity to gain such an important education in order to get me to where I am today. These types of mood swings, that I talk about below, RARELY happen anymore to me.

Reflecting Back, Self Compassion and Confidence

This post was from April 2016 also. I was pretty proud of being able to write that letter to myself.

Reflecting Back, A New Life

This post was from April 2016. No matter which way I look at it, it still feels to me like I started life over in many ways. It’s interesting to me that my old blog came across my path this morning, when JUST LAST NIGHT I was talking with a friend who is going through something similar in his life for the first time right now.

Reflecting Back, What Depression Looks Like in Me

This post is from May of 2016. It’s not easy, but YOU are worth it. Never stop learning!

Reflecting Back, Don’t Forget

This post is from July of 2016, and it is the last post I had made on my previous blog. I am going to post each one separately, there aren’t too many.